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New review: Role of elastic fiber degradation in disease pathogenesis

Under the lead of Elastrin’s co-founder and CSO Prof. Naren Vyayahare, Halsey et al. published a new review “Role of elastic fiber degradation in disease pathogenesis” this summer in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease (direct link to the publication see end of article).

This publication highlights the significance of elastic fiber degradation in the development of various diseases and investigates how the breakdown of elastic fibers contributes to the pathogenesis of these conditions. By analyzing the role of elastic fiber degradation, the study sheds light on the mechanisms underlying disease progression and offers insights into potential therapeutic strategies. Elastic fiber degradation is integral to the pathogenesis of diverse diseases impacting multiple organs and tissues. The author nicely summarizes the role of elastic fiber degradation in different organs and the clinical outcome of those (see table below).

Gaining insights into the underlying mechanisms of elastic fiber breakdown is crucial for understanding disease progression and identifying potential therapeutic targets (see figure below). Genetic diseases affecting elastic fibers lead to systemic effects in various tissues, primarily due to elastin degradation as the underlying cause. The breakdown of elastin reduces tissue elasticity and releases Elastin-Derived Peptides (EDPs) and Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β), which trigger diverse pathological effects, causing an imbalance towards inflammatory or de-differentiated cellular phenotypes. Preserving the non-regenerative elastin network and preventing this destructive feedback loop could be crucial for reversing the progression of these disorders. Still, there are currently no pharmacological therapies available for diseases involving elastin degeneration, with surgical intervention or symptom management being the primary treatment options.

Again, this review highlights how strikingly important further investigation into the regulation of elastic fiber degradation and associated pathways hold promise for developing innovative interventions that preserve elastic fiber integrity, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes in these diseases.

Elastrin Therapeutics Inc. DESTiNED platform is based on the decades long, intensive research of elastic fiber degradation and pathology.

A direct link to the open access review can be found here:


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